You can't manage other people's beliefs. You can only manage the relationship
you have with them.
As much as we might like to think we can manage other people's
perceptions of us, in reality, all we can manage is our relationship with them. And in order for you to manage that relationship,
you need to measure it. PDPJ
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me to you as my last post ~ 2-5-06
As quickly as this project came upon me several months ago, last week, it 'left'
just as quickly. As I made some final additions here, all sorts of things 'went wrong' that haven't happened before - - the
hmtl coding became bewitched lol, I couldn't control color choice in some threads and other things. I've spent countless hours
on these 2 sites with minimal problems, but today, you name it and it was a problem. Clearly, yet another signal that 'this
project is over' :)
I felt such a compulsion to do this project and overall, feel satisfied with what's been
accomplished. My feeling is , for the most part, many relationship issues have been addressed that are problematic for most
people. As such, with the 'sudden' knowing of being finished, I'm assuming that I've done what needed to be done and will
now do some letting go of my own... letting go of this project and moving towards another that I've been wanting to do for
several years.
My new adventure will take many months of learning and practice, but it will be so fun for me along
the way of accomplishing it. I will begin upon my return from a February trip 'down south' where I will be visiting
a cherished friend. This must be my year for traveling as I've just returned early this January from the South West and now
going South next and onto the North at the end of summer/early fall with perhaps a New York trip in between..
out West, I was in a gallery and admired an expensive painting of 4 Native American women. I have always been very drawn
to the naturalness and beauty of the pre Americanized Indian spirit. As I looked at the painting, it became very symbolic
for me. I saw these women with their backs to me while facing into what I saw as 'the future'. The thought of 'the past
is the past, don't bring it along with you, walk towards the future' went through my mind as I admired the painting and the
posture of resolve in their bodies. I felt the inner strength of these women.
I didn't purchase the painting, but would
have loved to have owned it. While walking out to the car, I was handed a package. I opened it and tears welled up as I looked
upon the painting, now MY painting. .... yet another symbolic moment for me ~ it seems ,that ,which we are willing to simply
admire, not to own/control, will be ours in the end if it's meant to be for us.
The kindness and generosity
of the giver was also deeply appreciated. I thought I was viewing this painting 'in private' and was totally surprised
to realize that I had been observed.
I'll share this painting with you and will use it in closing of this site. You'll find it at the very end of
this posting.
I've added new articles to just about every category here - look for those dated 2-5-06.
also added 2 new buttons (categories) on the left side.
2-5-06 ~ ~ OODELS
have many more links to add besides the ones already posted here. I'm out of time right now, but I'll add them all by the
end of February. There is no sense in not posting them here since I already have them)
hope that what I've done here has helped you solve some of your problems ...and if not having 'solved' them. has at least
given you some insights as to how to identify and solve/resolve them in time to come.
If certain people & situations weren't
important to us, relationships & life would be so easy. It's because we value, we love, we want to merge with certain
people that it can become difficult and even more difficult when the time comes to say good-bye for all the assorted reasons
we have to say good-bye.
offers many situations that can cause us to stumble and become confused, however, I've found that certain principals,
applied to all situations, never fail when needing answers on how to handle them or for understanding them ~ honesty with
and about self, & others, respect of self and others,commitment to/of intent, reliability/dependability, cooperation
of people involved. Without the cooperation of another striving for the same goals, the
goals will usually never be reached. Trying to force a situation without joint cooperation is futile and unrewarding. MUTUAL
teamwork is what works and the lack of any of the qualities I mentioned above will produce relationships fraught with difficulties.
Look for/ identify the lacking qualities and you will have put your finger on the root problem(s).
I do believe though, if
the connection has been a real one, an honest one, one that improves your soul and your life, then it is never 'totally' gone.
Our being in the life of, in the presence of a valued person will have changed us in obvious or subtle ways that will stay
with us forever. If the relationship had all the right ingredients to begin with and both people are still living,then the
potential for a natural return to this relationship exists at another point in time. These are all good things. These are
also uncomfortable things. This is an 'this is the way it is' thing.
love, the good and true love, is forever. If two people really love each other, nothing can keep them apart...
It was what it was and as a result, it is what it is.
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'Let go of the
past and all it's hurts and disappointments and look and move towards the future with courage and excitement.'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Endings are another way of seeing new beginnings
PDPJ, Sheila, is saying good-bye and letting go ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
All of the full versions of music used on these two sites can be found here along with
several other pieces that I thought I might use. They are all meaningful to me.
Just4fun, I drew a 12 card Tarot spread upon this sites conclusion. Here are the results:
Your Interpretations |
Self: The World
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Everything in the world is in balance and you participate fully in that.
card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
The World in this position symbolizes
the energy of the Great Goddess Sofia -- the universal womb from which all manifestation comes forth. This state of consciousness
is characterized by a balance between inner life and outer life, where you are no longer alienated from other life forms,
great and small. You worked hard through many cycles to achieve such a mystical experience.
Your ego can no longer
block the light of awareness that moves through you. According to the Tarot, the spiritual mission of human beings is to mediate
the three worlds of universal consciousness, self-consciousness and the collective unconscious. When such epiphanies happen,
we experience ourselves in a timeless state of grace where there is no doubt, shame or grief. Such a moment is priceless and
worth all the work and waiting. It's the culmination of all your efforts and a harbinger of remarkable potentials.
Situation: Queen of Wands
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING A persuasive, responsive style induces cooperation and high achievement.
card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at
this time.
When the Queen of Wands falls in this position, a motherly, take charge force in your environment is managing
and organizing all the players. This feminine symbol represents a persuasive, emotionally available style as opposed to more
forceful, traditionally masculine methods.
This managerial influence is inducing good behavior by holding a high standard
and embodying it, urging everyone to make his or her greatest effort. The Queen of Wands is a zealous worker who brooks no
opposition and can overshadow the efforts of others. Even though it is true that this person can be manipulative, she truly
inspires people to do their best.
Challenges/ Opportunities: The Fool
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Don't allow the judgments of others to inhibit your possibilities.
The card
that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
the Fool is in this position, you are challenged to remain balanced and optimistic during a period of uncertainty. Because
you are momentarily free of preordained roles or titles, purposely detach yourself from the desire for them. Appreciate a
point of view in which all your options are open and you are not limited by predetermined courses of action. Just as everything
that exists was once a seed in someone's imagination, your future is a seed in your own. What visions would you use to germinate
your future? The Fool's bag of tricks contains many powerful dreams. Open the bag and look at what you might be carrying in
the way of seed ideas.
Foundation: Four of Cups
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Deep within, you have reasons not to fall back on inertia. Use this inner knowledge
to sharpen your attention.
The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your
roots and background.
The Four of Cups in this position suggests that you have experienced fallow times wherein you
were uninspired, listless, and even apathetic. If this is one of those times, you might be tempted to disassociate and entertain
yourself with fantasy instead of challenging yourself to keep growing and stay strong.
It's a luxury to have the option
of coasting through life. There is a cost, however. Dependency leaves you open to fluctuations outside of your control --
changes you may not be prepared for. If you've expereinced this before, you can prevent yourself from slipping into this powerless
position again by recalling your past. Use those memories to ensure that you will not lose track of events as they unfold
around you. If you recognize how easily these lapses could happen again, you can take steps to avoid falling into the dependency
you used to settle for.
Recent Past: Death
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING When ties are severed and excess is trimmed, you come to know your essential self.
card in the Recent Past position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power.
When the Death card is in this position, some area of your life has just been severely pruned. You are still recovering
from this radical force that sweeps through from time to time and cuts cords, both good and bad. You may feel like a tumbleweed,
cut from your roots and cast adrift in the wind. Most likely this has been a beneficial change.
After you get over
the shock of your new status, you will realize it's in truth quite freeing. You realize that in the process you suffered no
loss of your essential self, while being freed from the fossilized structures you once identified with. In doing so, your
perception of who you are evolves.
Higher Power: Judgment
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Your ordinary life will undergo powerful new direction in which you are returned to
your deepest self.
The card in the Higher Power position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience,
Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.
When Judgment presents in this position, you and others like you are called from your
ordinary lives to enact a self-transformation that will epitomize the spirit of your times. It could bring no attention to
your ego at all because it may be accomplished anonymously or collectively. It is felt in every fiber of your interior life.
This awakening begins an entirely new cycle of possibilities and wipes away old failures, anger and doubt. It starts
you fresh with a new goal, a new purpose and a new set of resources to work with. In truth, this newness is not unique at
all, but stimulates ancient, submerged aspects of yourself that you have possessed all along but have not been able to access.
When this force is engaged, you are actually more your real self than you have ever been before.
Near Future: The Devil
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING If you have the nerve and stamina to keep up with your own raw energy, your future
horizons will change drastically. But things may be disrupted, so consider well the implications before you go for it.
card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the
Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.
The Devil card in this position suggests that you
are about to confront a force of nature that is gutsy and powerfully compelling. For that reason it is both attractive and
repellent at the same time. It could represent hidden potentials within you, and appear as a dynamic person, group or organization.
However it appears, this force occupies its space and yours in a passionate and concentrated way, forcing everyone who encounters
it to respond in kind.
This creative, chaotic phenomenon may be offering to let you join it, direct it and point it
towards a good use. But to succeed, you may have to possess the internal fortitude to hold this phenomenal beast, and yourself,
in check through delicate maneuvers. You cannot really work with this energy and be inhibited, rigid or controlling because
it's bigger than you imagine. You will be forced to grow super-fast to keep from being overwhelmed by the energies unleashed.
Take a long, close look at yourself and the situation or relationship before you decide if you can afford it. A circumstance
characterized by The Devil can radically transform your life, even when you promise yourself you'll only get involved a little,
just this once, just to find out what it's like. If you don't know yourself well, and don't have a healthy respect for your
natural limits, the Devil may be a very damaging playmate.
Blocks & Inhibitions: King of Wands
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Defend your confidence and optimism from negative self talk and critical thoughts.
card in the Blocks position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get
stuck -- unless you examine yourself and make some corrections.
When the King of Wands falls in this position, internalized
authority figures are bound and determined to diminish a performance, demean you and create insecurity about accomplishments.
Under the circumstances, when you become aware of those sabotaging monologues, turn down the volume or refuse to listen.
followed by action is needed, not emotional dawdling. Being decisive may feel unfamiliar at first, but action itself can be
the cure for too much thinking. Failure to act when action is called for is definitely detrimental.
Allies: Queen of Swords
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Great intelligence and insight are joining your cause.
The card in the Allies
position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time.
In this position, the Queen of Swords
suggests that a canny, articulate and mentally imposing person is joining your team. This queen represents the most intelligent
personality of the Tarot's Minor Arcana. This is someone who thinks holistically, does not overpersonalize, understands the
effects of time and penetrates deeply.
This queen is traditionally thought of as the therapist of the Minors. You
may be somewhat awed by this person -- and rightly so, because this is a warrior of the mind, and he or she is now your ally!
This gives you a tremendous opportunity not only to get some issues resolved but also to observe a master at work. Watch closely
to see if you can assimilate some of her style.
Advice: Eight of Swords
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING Rise to the occasion with confidence in your talent and ability.
The card in
the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
the Eight of Swords in this position, you are being reminded that every setback you experience is a teacher awakening you
to renewed effort. This is a learn-by-doing situation; there is no formula that guarantees outcome. You can be sure, however,
that an open-minded and optimistic attitude will serve you better in the face of surprising developments.
Be willing
to make the rigorous effort that is being called for now. Perform wholeheartedly, with good faith and hopefulness. As such,
you'll forestall bickering and criticism, prevail against negative forces and overcome the demons of doubt and resistance.
Get excited about your challenges; be confident that you have what it takes to improve the situation. If you do your internal
homework, the external situation will open up for you.
Long-term Potential: Page of Cups
POSITIONAL (MAIN) MEANING If things are left to develop on their own, you may land an important supporting role.
card in the Long-term Potential position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played.
the Page of Cups (in some decks, a Princess) in this position, you may remain in the background as things develop, serving
as a secretary, assistant or confidant for someone or some group in power.
Not everyone is psychologically suited
for this role. Examine the opportunity carefully, asking yourself if you are willing to be of service on this level. Perhaps
you have leadership aspirations of your own right now. You will be happier with whatever role you choose and your contributions
if you are realistic and honest with yourself. |
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You may want to check out all the title buttons
as many of these articles cross/address several 'subjects'. I've not been able to keep clear lines as defined as I'd like.
Depending on what your particular interest is, you will find related articles scattered throughout, so check them all so you
don't miss something that may be worth your while. In particulary, the Friends, Friendship, Relationships thread is full of
I think I've found a way to get directly to any new topic from here.
You'll notice that as your mouse passes over the title names, an underline will appear showing that it's an active link. Click
on it and you should be able to go directly to the proper area.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm back from a long & wonderful holiday in the SW with another
event coming up in mid February. Tonight is the eve of a new year and I'm full of optimisim. Typically, we are staying home
as I've never enjoyed "New Years Eve' as an away from home celebration...not to mention the mild case of jet lag due to the
odd flight times we had to and fro and the light snow that is falling. :)
* MANY articles added to 'Trust'
* MANY articles added to ''Expectations-Boundaries-Accountability & Anger'
* MANY articles added to ' Healing, Forgiveness,
Moving on.
* MANY articles added to 'Friends & Friendship
~ Relationships'
* MANY articles added to 'How, when &
* Added to 'Metaphysical point of view'
* Added to 'Things to try- ways of looking
at things'
* Added to 'Letting go is a decision'
* MANY articles added to ' When It's Finally
Over ~..OR..~ When it's Over, Finally !'
* Added topic button for 'Considerations & Perspectives to stretch your mind' - (no articles yet)
* Added to 'Toxic
Relationships & Personality Disorders.
**Note: For some reason, the links to
and from parts 1 & 2 don't work consistantly - especially with IE. Simply copy the URL's and paste them into your browser.
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Today is my first borns birthday and the opening
of Part 2 of my project.
A poll has been added & can be accessed
using the POLL button on the left. I will really appreciate your completing this for me.
2 more pieces of music have been added. If I had more room, I'd have
a lot more variety. This way is best though - if I had more bytes, I'd be turning this project into an .mp3 swap!!
I'm going to start adding more content hoping
that Lycos is finished 'having their way with me'.
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* Many articles added to FRIENDSHIP
* Link added to LINKS
* Added to 'How, when & why"
* Added to "Expectations-Boundaries-Accountability & Anger
After this update, all new updates will be found posted ahead of this
one ( and before the last one.) You won't have to scroll down to read the most recent.
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